Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sports can break down racial walls, says DPM

PETALING JAYA, March 31 — Sports represents a major agenda in demolishing the racial wall and strengthening solidarity, and as such, the government is taking various measures to attract more interest in sports in schools, said Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
The Deputy Prime Minister said these included efforts to streamline the management of school sports, and to increase the time allotted to sports for students to carry out sporting activities.
Muhyiddin, who is also the Education Minister, said generally the community would give their support to any athlete or team representing the country regardless of their race or religion.
“As long as the sportsman or sportswoman represents the country or any team that we like, we will certainly give our support and encouragement to him or her, and as such, sports will become a major agenda for us to demolish racial walls and strengthen solidarity,” he said in his speech at the Malaysian Lawn Bowls Federation dinner, here tonight.
Earlier, Muhyiddin launched the book, “Bowls in Malaysia: Creating Legacy 1998-2009”, published by the Malaysian Lawn Bowls Federation. — Bernama

Chess is sports and is the only best medium in racial harmony with war and struggle on the 64 squares board only. At every chess events the players and parents of differ races become friends and does not show disharmony or racial walls for chess breaks down all walls with the motto GENS UNA SUMUS we are a family !!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Peliharalah Aib Orang

Khamis Februari 18, 2010


SEBAGAI orang Islam, kita sepatutnya bersyukur kerana kita dipandu oleh al-Quran dan sunnah dalam menentukan tingkah laku kita dalam menjalani kehidupan ini.

Andaikan kita ini pengembara, pastinya kita bersyukur jika sepanjang perjalanan itu kita dibekalkan dengan kompas sebagai penunjuk arah. Kita sepatutnya lebih bersyukur lagi kerana tidak semua pengemabara dibekalkan dengan penunjuk arah ini.

Berbeza dengan masyarakat Islam, masyarakat lain tiada panduan khusus dan jelas tentang bagaimana mereka seharusnya menjalani hidup ini. Jika ada sekalipun, panduan itu hanyalah untuk aspek hidup yang tertentu dan tidak menyeluruh seperti Islam. Bagi mereka, segala-galanya boleh dilakukan.

Maka, ramai yang berpegang kepada moto jenama Nike, "Just do it". Mereka pun buatlah apa sahaja yang terlintas di hati tanpa mengambil kira kesannya pada diri mahupun orang lain. Orang Islam tidak sepatutnya berpegang pada moto ini. Namun, ramai juga yang dengan bangganya memakai baju-T dengan slogan ini.

Dalam kehidupan seorang muslim, ada yang boleh dan ada yang tidak boleh dilakukan. Jika sikap dan tingkah laku umat Islam sama sahaja dengan orang bukan Islam, maka apalagi yang membezakan kita dengan mereka?

Walaupun seorang muslim itu dibatasi oleh perkara-perkara yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan, sebenarnya, masih banyak perkara yang dibenarkan dan sedikit sahaja yang dilarang. Satu daripada perkara yang dilarang itu ialah membuka aib diri dan aib orang lain. Membuka aib diri itu mungkin tidak begitu menimbulkan masalah kerana orang yang waras biasanya mengunci rapat keaiban dirinya sendiri.

Namun, apa yang sedang membarah dalam masyarakat kita kini ialah sikap yang suka mengaibkan orang lain. Dalam kata-kata lain, suka mendedahkan keburukan orang lain.

Semua orang ada melakukan kesilapan dalam hidup dan lazimnya kita akan merahsiakan kesilapan itu bagi mengelakkan rasa malu jika ia diketahui umum. Alangkan seorang kanak-kanak pun tahu malu jika silapnya ditegur di khalayak ramai, inikan pula orang dewasa. Maka, biasanya kita akan merahsiakan kesilapan itu agar ia tidak mengaibkan diri kita sendiri.

Namun, bila tiba kepada keaiban orang lain, sikap kita begitu berbeza sekali. Ramai yang suka mendengar atau membaca kisah-kisah keaiban orang, malah, sanggup pula memanjangkan kisah-kisah itu kepada orang lain sedangkan Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda yang bermaksud, "Barangsiapa yang menutup aib saudara Muslimnya, nescaya Allah s.w.t akan menutup keaibannya di akhirat kelak."

Malangnya, ramai orang Islam yang lebih suka mengingkari perintah hadis ini. Mereka sama ada menjadi orang yang mengaibkan orang lain secara lisan mahupun tulisan; menjadi pendengar atau pembaca atau penonton setia kisah-kisah keaiban itu; mahupun, menjadi penyampai atau pemanjang cerita-cerita aib tersebut.

Malah, ada yang mengaut keuntungan dari keaiban orang lain. Kononnya, itulah formula untuk melariskan jualan. Soalnya, formula siapa? Formula Barat atau formula Islam yang kita bangga menjadi umatnya?

Ada juga yang mendakwa bahawa cerita seperti itu yang majoriti pembaca mahukan. Dakwaan ini mungkin benar dan biasanya majoriti akan menang. Namun, tidak semestinya majoriti itu betul. Maka, jika ternyata majoriti cenderung memilih sesuatu yang dilarang oleh agama, apakah kita patut terus menggalakkan mereka?

Dalam Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 11, Allah SWT dengan jelas melarang umat Islam dari menyatakan keaiban orang lain. Dalam ayat yang sama disebut bahawa mereka yang mengingkari larangan ini, ia menjadi fasik, maka hendaklah ia bertaubat. Larangan ini begitu penting sekali dipatuhi sehingga ia diulangi dalam ayat yang berikutnya, "... dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang...". Tidak cukupkah ayat-ayat ini memandu kita ke jalan yang benar?

Dalam pengenalan beliau mengenai Surah al-Hujurat ini, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, dalam terjemahan al-Qurannya menyebut bahawa, surah ini menyentuh tentang adab yang perlu dipatuhi oleh ahli masyarakat Islam. Selain melarang mengaibkan orang, surah ini juga memerintahkan agar: ketua dihormati, khabar angin diselidik, damaikan dua pihak yang berkelahi, manusia lain jangan dicemuh atau diperlekeh, jangan label orang dengan perkataan yang buruk, jauhi prasangka; jangan mencari salah dan keaiban manusia, jangan mengumpat dan berkenal-kenalanlah sesama manusia.

Amat malang sekali bila mana umat Islam yang telah dipandu tentang cara bagaimana untuk hidup bermasyarakat, telah tidak mengambil manfaat dari panduan itu, sebaliknya mengambil sikap yang sama sekali bertentangan dengannya.

Maka, salah siapa kalau masyarakat kita banyak cacat-celanya? Salah siapa kalau masyarakat kita tidak jauh buruk akhlaknya berbanding masyarakat Barat atau Timur yang tiada "kompas" penunjuk jalannya?

** Siti Fatimah Abdul Rahman ialah Fellow Kanan, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM)
Petikan dari mstar online.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


From #
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I received a sad news by e-mail from Mrs.Samihah (Putrajaya)
Dimaklumkan bahawa salah seoarang daripada ketua 'Keluarga Catur' Putrajaya iaitu ayah kepada Juara U15 kejohanan Catur Putrajaya Komuniti Putrajaya Amirul Rafiq bin Ahmad Riduan telah kembali keRahmatullah petang semalam (lebih kurang 4.15pm)
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.... amin.."
Samihah Adam/ Mohd Sulkifly Ibrahim
Semoga roh beliau ditempatkan bersama orangorang yang soleh. Al-Fatihah.
Amirul Rafiq (photo right) won the under 15, Putrajaya Chess Community tournament early this month. My thoughts and prayers go out to Amirul and his family.

There a greatness in Amirul games to be the Under 15 Champion in the recent Putrajaya Community Chess Tournament, there more greatness to come even with the lost of a father hopefully will not stop Amirul to be a stronger player, my hopes and salam tazizh for Amirul and family. Al Fatihah. Amin.

How to deal with bitter criticism.

Those who are ignorant have uttered curses at Allah, the Exalted, the Creator of all that exists, so what treatment should we, who are full of faults, expect from people. You will always have to face criticism, which in its onslaught is like an interminable war: it shows no ending.
As long as you shine, give, produce, and have effect upon others, then disapproval and condemnation will be your lot in life. Until you escape from people by finding a tunnel in the ground or a ladder leading to the sky, they will not desist from censuring you, from finding fault in your character.
For that reason, as long as you are from denizens of earth, expect to be hurt, to be insulted, and to be criticized.
And here is  something you should contemplate:
A person sitting on the ground does not fall, and people do not kick a dead dog. Therefore their anger toward you can be attributed to you surpassing them in righteousness, knowledge, manners, or wealth. In their eyes you are a transgressor whose wrongs cannot be atoned for – unless you abandon your talents and strip yourself of all praiseworthy qualities, so that you become stupid, worthless, and to them, innocuous. The result is exactly what they want for you.
So remain firm and patient when facing their insults and criticism.  If you are wounded by their words and let them have an influence over you, you will have realized their hopes for them. Instead, forgive them by showing them the most beautiful of manners.  Turn away from them and do not feel distressed by their schemes.  Their  disapproval of you only increases you  in worth and merit.
Verily, you will not able to silence them, but you will be able to bury their criticisms by turning away from them and dismissing what they have to say.
“Say ‘Perish in your rage’”                         (Qur’an 3:119)
In fact, you will be able to increase them in their rage by increasing your merits and developing your talents.
If you desire to be accepted by all and loved by all, you desire the unattainable
Ref: Don’t Be Sad  by Dr. A’id ibn ‘Abdullah al-Qarni Pg 40.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Sejak kes Titiwangsa dimana pemenang  di batalkan di Kejohanan Catur DBKL 2010, sifu lihat ia menjadi perbincangan hangat di blog dan komen komen di shoutbox.
Sifu telah menjelaskan mengapa kes awal (lihat Rizal's blog) diatasi dengan tindakan pembatalan atas pekara lain dan sifu tidak menyebut nama sebab bukan bertujuan mengaibkan sesiapa hanya ingin menjelaskan tindakan sifu dan penganjur.
  1. Dengan jelas borang pendaftaran meminta pemain menyatakan ELO rating bukan nasional rating.
  2. Telah meminta semua pemain menyatakan rating ELO mereka di senarai yang di sediakan.
  3. Bila bermula ada pemain tidak menyatakan rating mereka sebab itulah mereka bermain sebagai pemain tanpa rating tapi bila di minta baru beritahu dia mempunyai rating 1600 dan diisikan untuk pusingan seterusnya. (Sabenar nya rating nasional beliau ialah 1684 melebihi syarat kejohanan)
  4. Sebagai penganjur apa yang di nyatakan oleh pemain sepatut nya betul dan benar dan kenyataan itu sebagai bukti benar.
  5. Dilihat pemain remaja terutama anak anak bersekolah telah menulis rating mereka dengan jelas hanya yang dewasa sahaja bertindak liat.  Mengapa ? Apa tujuan ? Hanya pemain tersebut boleh jawap.
  6. Sifu telah menyatakan bahawa rating nasional itu banyak kelemahan nya, apabila tidak memisahkan rating blitz, rating rapid di pukalkan jadi rating nasional.
  7. Apabila mendapat bukti bahawa pemain tersebut mempunyai rating melebihi 1800, sifu dan penganjur tidak teragak untuk membatalkan kemenangan nya dan telah memulangkan yuran penyertaan dengan penuh.
Dengan penjelasan  ini sifu mengharapkan pekara ini tidak di perlecehkan atau mengaibkan sesiapa tapi menjadi pengajaran kepada semua pemain yang mereka hendaklah menang dengan cara atas papan 64 itu mengikut peraturan yang di tetapkan.

Sifu ingin senaraikan beberapa pekara yang pernah berlaku yang telah di lihat sendiri dari kategori yang meragukan yang boleh di senarai sebagai cheats.
  1. Seorang pemain terkemuka telah menulis nasional rating nya bukan ELO Fide nya maka beliau di letak di tempat ke 25, yang sepatutnya di tempat ke 4.  Apa tujuan nya ? Menipu ? Mungkin !! Tapi menukarnya bila ada pemain lain buat teguran dan bantahan. Jadi malu alah .
  2. Pemain ini kerap kali menjatuhkan jam ketika menekan dengan kuat agar merosakkan jam atau memaksa jarum dijatuhkanm lebeh awal.
  3. Ada beberapa pemain yang di tuduh kerap kali membuat kecoh dengan jam atau pergerakan dalam masa kritikal untuk mengalihkan perhatian atau sengaja bermain psycho.
  4. Ada pemain terkemuka telah menuduh seorang kanak kanak 8 tahun menipu dalam simul bila beliau di kalahkan tapi mungkin ada pemain yang menipu dalam simul.
  5. Dalam permainan blitz kerap kali di lihat penipuan dalam permainan dengan membuat pergerakan yang illegal tapi tidak disedari oleh lawan.
  6. Seorang pemain terkemuka telah menuduh lawan bermain psycho dengan menenung muka nya dan memanggil arbiter untuk membuat tuduhan tersebut. Dia yang main psycho !!
  7. Pemain ini dengan sengaja berbincang dengan jurulatih nya dalam bilik air ketika permainan sedang berjalan.
  8. Memakai baju see-thru tanpa coli oleh seorang pemain terkemuka negara jiran untuk pyscho lawan.
  9. Membuat isyarat dengan jurulatih untuk sesuatu pergerakan.
  10. Menulis pergerakan yang di rancang bukan yang di main untuk mencuri kemenangan apabila di lihat lawan tidak tahu menulis dengan betul.
  11. Arbiter bersekongkol dengan pemain untuk ganjaran kemudian.
  12. Berpakat sesama sendiri agar mendapat tempat dan kemenangan.  Menipu? Halal ?
  13. Pemain catur tidak beretika atau berdisiplin selalu nya yang membuat hal dan masalah ketika bermain atau salepas bermain dengan mencuba mendirikan benang yang basah di shoutbox dengan menyamar ingat Allah maha kaya maha adil maha mengetahui.
Banyak cara dan muslihat berlaku tapi semua ini boleh di hentikan kalau pemain dan lawan dapat bermain dengan akal bukan perasaan, mendapat kemenangan diatas papan bukan secara psycho atau muslihat.
Lihat blog blog berikut untuk tahu cara untuk mengatasinya atau mengelakan pekara berulang.




    Cheating in chess

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Cheating in chess refers to rule breaking or other unethical behaviours that are intended to give an unfair advantage to a player or team. Cheating can occur in many forms[1] and can take place before, during, or possibly even after a game. Commonly cited instances of cheating include: collusion with spectators or other players linking to remote computers, rating manipulation, misuse of the Touch-move rule, the pre-arranged draw, and the use of psychological tactics to unsettle an opponent. Many suspiciously-motivated practices are not comprehensively covered by the rules of chess and so, on ethical or 'moral conduct' grounds only, may be judged by some as acceptable and by others, as cheating.


    Cheating at chess is almost as old as the game itself, and may even have caused chess-related deaths. According to one legend, a dispute over cheating at chess led King Canute to murder a Danish nobleman.

    Automaton hoaxes

    Rather than the modern problem in which humans cheat by surreptitiously reproducing the play of machines, in the 18th and 19th centuries the public were hoaxed by the opposite deception in which machines reproduced the moves of hidden humans. The first and most famous of the chess automaton hoaxes was The Turk (1770), followed by Ajeeb (1868) and Mephisto (1886).


    Over the years there have been many accusations of collusion, either of players deliberately losing (often to help a friend or teammate get a title norm), or of players agreeing to draws to help both players in a tournament.
    Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis claim that Soviet chess masters may have colluded in world chess championships held from 1940 to 1964.[2] [3] The study argues that the Soviet players agreed to draws amongst themselves to help their chances. While it is generally believed that these agreements happened at times, opinions differ over how effective their agreements were. The most famous alleged instance, the 1962 Candidates' Tournament is discussed further at the World Chess Championship 1963 article.

    Touch piece rule

    In tournament chess, there are certain "touch piece" rules. Often these are difficult to rule on, because the only witnesses are the two players involved.
    In one famous instance, Garry Kasparov changed his move against Judit Polgár in 1994 after momentarily letting go of a piece (a violation of the "touch piece" rule). Kasparov went on to win the game. The tournament officials allegedly had video tape proving that his hand left the piece, but refused to release the video evidence and allow Polgár the win. Also against Polgar was the fact that she waited one full day before issuing her complaint.

    Cheating with technology

    Technology has been used by chess cheats in several ways. Perhaps the most common form is to use a chess program while playing chess remotely, usually through online chess servers. Or, to boost ratings on a chess server, a competitor may sign on through a different IP address to play and lose against themselves. Electronic communication with an accomplice during face-to-face competitive chess is another reported technique.

    Communication with an accomplice

    One of the earliest known cases of using technology to cheat was in 1993 at the World Open, a dreadlocked, headphone-wearing, unrated newcomer, who took the name "John von Neumann" (matching the name of a famous artificial intelligence research pioneer), scored 4.5/9 in the Open Section, including a draw with a grandmaster and a win over a 2350 player. This "von Neumann" seemed to have a suspicious bulge in one of his pockets, which appeared to make a soft humming or buzzing sound at important points in the game. "When quizzed by the tournament director, the ‘lesser’ von Neumann was unable to demonstrate even a rudimentary knowledge of some simple chess concepts, and he was disqualified.[4]
    In Lampertsheim Open Tournament 2003 the arbiter announced the disqualification of a player before round seven. Volker Widmann explained what had happened: "In the sixth round a player came to me and said he suspected his opponent, W.S. from L., was using illicit aids during the game. He often left the board for protracted periods of time to go to the toilet, even when (especially when) it was his turn to play. He had done this in earlier rounds against other players as well. I watched W.S. and noticed that he played a number of moves very rapidly and then disappeared in the toilet. I followed him and could hear no sound coming from the stall. I looked under the door and saw that his feet were pointing sideways, so that he could not have been using the toilet. So I entered the neighbouring stall, stood on the toilet bowl and looked over the dividing wall. I saw W.S. standing there with a handheld PC which displayed a running chess program. He was using a stylus to operate it.I immediately disqualified the player. When confronted he claimed that he was only checking his emails, so I asked him to show me the computer, which he refused to do. There are witnesses for my investigation in the toilet, and we will ask the chess federation of our state to ban the player from playing in other tournaments."
    In HB Global Chess Challenge 2005, a player in the Under-2000 section exited the event under suspicion of cheating, while his final-round game was under way. According to tournament officials, he was caught repeatedly talking on his cell phone during his game – which the published rules for that event expressly prohibited. Directors suspected that he was receiving moves over the phone from an accomplice elsewhere in the building. His results were expunged from the tournament and an ethics complaint lodge. Six weeks later, the same player entered the World Open and tied for 1st-3rd in the Under-2200 section, pocketing a cool $5,833. An attempt was made to eject him midway through that event, when the organizers belatedly learned about the earlier incident in Minnesota. But, lacking any specific allegation that he was cheating in the World Open, they backtracked and re-admitted him after he threatened legal action [5]
    In Subroto Mukerjee memorial international rating chess tournament 2006, an Indian chess player was banned from playing competitive chess for ten years due to cheating. [6] During the tournament at Subroto Park, Umakant Sharma was caught receiving instructions from an accomplice using a chess computer via a Bluetooth-enabled device which had been sewn into his cap.[7][8] The accomplices he had been communicating with were outside the location at which he was playing, and were relaying moves from a computer simulation. Officials became suspicious after Sharma made unusually large gains in rating points during the previous eighteen months, even qualifying for the national championship.[8] Umakant began the year with an average rating of 1933, and in 64 games gained over 500 points to attain a rating of 2484. Officials received multiple written complaints alleging that Umakant's moves were in the exact same sequence suggested by the chess computer HIARCS 10.[7] Eventually, in the seventh round of the tournament, Indian Air Force officials searched the players at the top eight boards with a metal detector and found that Umakant was the only player who was cheating. Umakant's ten-year ban was imposed by the All India Chess Federation (AICF) after reviewing evidence presented by Umakant himself and the electronic devices seized by the tournament organizers.[6] The penalty was considered harsh, especially considering that those in other sports who have been found to be doping and match fixing did not receive such lengthy suspensions.[9] When officials were asked about the suspension they stated, "We wanted to be frank and send a stern message to all players. It is like cheating on exams."[9]
    In Philadelphia World open 2006, Steve Rosenberg, who was playing in a lower section and was leading before the final round. A victory would have been worth about $18,000. He was confronted by a tournament director and found to be using a wireless transmitter and receiver called a "Phonito". He was disqualified from the event.[10]
    Dutch League 2C 2007 match between Bergen vs Zoom-AAS, the arbiter caught the team captain of AAS (who was playing himself on board 6), using a PDA. The player was outside the playing hall, with permission, to get some fresh air. The arbiter had followed him and caught him using PocketFritz. On the screen, the actual position of the game was shown. The arbiter declared the game lost and informed the Dutch Federation about the incident. The competition manager communicated a heavy penalty: the player has been banned to play in the Dutch League and Cup matches, not only for this season, but also for next two seasons. The competition manager applied article 20.3 of the Federation’s competition regulations.[11]
    In Dubai Open 2008, M Sadatnajafi, an untitled Iranian player (rated 2288 at the time), was disqualified from the tournament after he was caught receiving suggested moves by text message on his mobile phone while playing Grandmaster Li Chao.[12] The game was being relayed live over the internet and it was alleged that his friends were following it and guiding him using a computer.[12]
    In Norths Chess Club Centenary Year Under 1600 Tournament a player was caught using what the arbiter called a “hand held machine” in the toilets. The game was declared lost and the boy was expelled from the tournament. The 14-year old was using the program Chessmaster on a Playstation Portable, and that was probably the reason why the moves were not particularly strong. It’s the first example of a chess player getting caught while using an electronic device in Australia, and so it quickly became a big story in the relatively small Australian chess community. [13]

    Rating manipulation

    Ratings manipulation occurs when game results are determined before the game starts or by falsifying tournament reports. The most common type is called sandbagging, where a person plays in lower entry fee tournaments and loses to lower their rating so they can play in a large money tournament in a lower section, and increase their chance of winning. Sandbagging, however, is very difficult to detect and prove, so USCF has included minimum ratings based on previous ratings or money winnings to minimize the effect. The most notable example of ratings manipulation involves Romanian Alexandru Crisan, who falsified tournament reports to gain a Grandmaster title and ranked 33rd in the world on FIDE ratings list. A committee overseeing the matter recommended his rating erased and his Grandmaster title revoked, but this has not happened.[14][15]

    Simultaneous games

    A player with no knowledge of chess can achieve a 50% score in simultaneous chess by replicating the moves made by one of his white opponents in a match against a black opponent, and vice versa; the opponents in effect play each other rather than the cheater. This trick was attempted in correspondence chess matches against Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubov, which they uncovered after discussing the games with each other. Stage magician Derren Brown used the trick against nine leading British chess players in his television show.[16]


    1. ^ "Cheating Accusations in Mental Sports, Too". Retrieved 2007-01-01. 
    2. ^ "Cheating in world chess championships is nothing new, study suggests". Retrieved 2007-01-01. 
    3. ^ "Did the Soviets Collude? A Statistical Analysis of Championship Chess 1940-64". Retrieved 2007-01-01. 
    4. ^
    5. ^
    6. ^ a b "Verdict on chess cheating this week". Retrieved 2006-12-28. 
    7. ^ a b "Player expelled for technology misuse". Retrieved 2006-12-28. 
    8. ^ a b "Chess player caught cheating with wireless device". Retrieved 2006-12-28. 
    9. ^ a b "Umakant Shama banned for 10 years". Retrieved 2006-12-28. 
    10. ^
    11. ^
    12. ^ a b "Wesley So wins Dubai Open, player disqualified for cheating". ChessBase. Retrieved 2008-04-17. 
    13. ^
    14. ^ "FIDE Ruling on Alexandru Crisan". The Week in Chess Magazine. London Chess Centre. 2001-09-07. Retrieved 2007-06-14. 
    15. ^ "Chess Player Profile: Crisan, Alexandru". FIDE. Retrieved 2009-03-26. 
    16. ^ Daniels, Morgan (2004-04-29). "The magical chess experiment". Chessbase. Retrieved 2009-03-26.

    Monday, March 22, 2010


    Di Kejohanan Catur Hari Walayah DBKL 2010 di Stadium Titiwangsa telah di penohi dengan satu keputusan yang amat mengejutkan apabila Johan Kategori Terbuka di batalkan oleh penganjur  dan pemain di tempat kedua di umumkan sebagai pemenang.
    1.  Kejohanan ini telah di iklankan sebagai kejohanan bawah rating 1600.
    2.  Bloggers dan wanita di jemput tanpa mengambil kira ranking mereka.
    3.  Di bahagia OKU premain jemputan normal hanya untuk mereka dibawah rating 1200.

    Arbiter telah meminta pemain yang punyai rating untuk mencatatkan rating mereka di borang yang di sediakan.  Semua pemain yang punyai rating telah mencatitkan rating mereka.
    Apa itu rating ? Di Malaysia ada dua senarai rating, sifu telah menyatakan secara terbuka pemain tidak boleh ada dua rating satu FIDE, satu lagi nasional . Kedua rating Malaysia amat di pertikaikan kerana semua bentuk kejohanan tak kira jenis kawalan masa telah disatukan , semisti nya pemainan  blitz dan rapid tidak sama dengan permainan 60 minit.
    Permainan telah di mulakan mengikut ranking ini serta , seorang peserta tidak mencatitkan rating nya dan apabila sifu tanya apa rating nya baru di beritahu 1600 maka di pusingan 3 baru lah pemain tersebut di rankkan.
    Sifu percaya ranking oleh diberi oleh pemain adalah betul tapi ada pemain yang tidak puas hati telah membuat sikidikan dan pemain tersebut mempunyai rating yang amat tinggi.  Nilai sesaorang berdasarkan atas kepercayaan tapi apabila ranking di pertikaikan maka penyilidikan telah di jalan kan dan raking ELO beliau di dapati bernilai 1816.
    Disebabkan ada bantahan bertulis maka sifu bersama penganjur telah membuat keputusan untuk membatalkan kemenangan dan menaikan senarai pemenang satu tapak ke atas.
    • Sabenar nya setiap kejohanan ada menyatakan kejohanan akan mengikut ranking tertentu dan kejohanan ini diletakkan pada ranking 1600.  
    • Bila Ranking  di minta harus mencatitkan raking yang betul iaitu ranking ELO FIDE sebab ranking Malaysia tidak di iktiraf.
    • Kalau ada dua rating maka di catitkan kedua rating tersebut.
    Arbiter akan mengambil face value yang di beri pemain dan akan buat checking kalau didapati ada satu bantahan atau kemuskilan atau kejohanan akan dirating.

    Dalam kejohanan tersebut telah berlaku satu bantahan bertulis mengenai masa dan jam.
    • Jam adalah hak milik penganjur.
    • Yang berhak 'memegang' jam adalah pemain tapi menekan jam terbut untuk memulakan kejohanan atau satelah membuat pergerakkan.
    • Arbiter pun tidak boleh angkat atau memegang jam melainkan untuk mengatasi masalah teknikal sahaja itu pun bila di minta oleh pemain atau sesuatu penalti dikenakan.
    • Pemain berhak memberhentikan jam untuk memanggil arbiter tapi sekiranya panggilan tersebut di dapat tidak betul maka arbiter boleh membuat penalti masa setiap kali jam di berhentikan.
    • Pemain tidak boleh memegang atau mengangkat jam tetapi memanggil arbiter untuk sebarang masalah dengan jam.
    • Dalam insiden ini satu tuduhan yang pemain telah mengurangkan masa lawan ketika membetulkan jam tersebut.
    • Arbiter sabenar nya boleh membuat kiraan sekira perkara tersebut telah berlaku tapi jam misti di berhentikan dan permainan belum tamat.
    • Jadi ini adalah ingatan kepada semua pemain yang mereka tidak boleh pegang apa lagi mengangkat jam ketika perlawanan sedang berjalan.
    • Mungkin apabila semua jam di kejohanan sudah digital pekara saperti ini tidak akan berlaku.
    • Sifu masih pegang pada perinsip yang arbiter bukan mempunyai kuasa mutlak tapi menjadi seorang yang adil untuk mengadili tanpa memihak. Sifu masih ingat satu insiden dimana seorang IA telah membatalkan permainan berpasukan yang sedang bermain kerana beliau tidak boleh mengambil tindakan atas pemain tersebut sebab pemain tersebut sudah kalah dan tamat permainan tapi rakan pasukan nya sedang bermain , jadi semua pemain tersebut di batatkan permainan yang arbiter berkuasa dan pasukan itu di beri 0-4. Sifu ada dengar banyak cerita berkenaan beberapa pemain yang mempunyai reputasi penipuan dalam permainan tapi tidak sangka pekara sebegini akan berlaku di mana sifu yang menjadi arbiter.
    • Bila pekara ini berlaku dengan Rizal , jurulatih Malaysia Paralimpik, dan mempunyai saksi tapi sifu tidak dapat bertindak atas pekara diatas kerana permainan sudah tamat. Sifu ingat satu peristiwa melibatkan Judith Polgar dan Kasparov di Sepanyol, apabila Polgar tuduh Kasparov telah pegang Kuda tapi gerakkan Rook pula dalam satu gerakan pantas, sebab Rook akan mati kalau Kuda digerakan.  Masalah nya tiada saksi dan siapa Arbiter nak percaya jadi permainan di teruskan. Satelah tamat baru lah mereka lihat rakaman video dan apa yang di tuduh Polgar memang betul tapi keputusan yang Judith kalah kekal sebab video masih belum di gunapakai sebagai bahan bukti. Kedua bantahan hanya dibuat salepas permainan tamat.
    • Sifu akan terus membuat kejohanan dengan mereka yang ranking 1600 ke bawah sebab hampir semua kejohanan lain boleh di sertai oleh mereka di atas 1600.
    • Bila di minta beri ranking senaraikan FIDE ranking dulu dan di ikuti oleh nasional ranking, sebab dengan internet semua info mudah di perolehi.


    Ketika OKU berjuang dengan kawalan masa yang berlainan iaitu 45 mini setiap peserta, Kategori Terbuka dan Kategori Sekolah Rendah telah di adakan juga dengan kawalan masa 20 minit setiap peserta dan telah mendapat 58 peserta walaupan masa untuk iklankan kejohanan hanya dalam seminggu sahaja dan tealah terdapat dua kejohanan berjalan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan jumlah hadiah sebanyak RM3500 telah di aggihkan kepada kategiri Terbuka dan Sekolah Rendah tapi untuk mereka yang mempunyai rating 1600 kebawah sahaja melainkan bloggers dan wanita.
    Bloggers dan wanita telah di khakan hadiah sebanyak RM 500 setiap kategori tapi main bersama kategori Terbuka dan mereka berhak mendapat kedua atau ketiga hadiah dari kategri tersebut.  Selalu nya tiada hadiah untuk wanita atau sedikit sahaja yang di sediakan tapi kali ini wanita dan bloggers di raikan.

    1. Kategori Terbuka (RM1500)
        Johan  Rizal Ahmad Kamal  RM 500
        Ke 2   Kaber Azzad Mohd Kassim
        Ke 3   Chong Kwai Kun
        Ke 4   Akmal Salleh
        Ke 5   Subramanian A/L Sivanasen
        Ke 6   Nor Azlan Othman
        Ke 7   Mohd Fauzi Ahim
        Ke 8   Andrew Soong Lee Yong
        Ke 9   Gabrial Soong MUn Hey
        Ke 10  Yap Wan Lin

    2. Kategori Bloggers (RM500)
        1. Rizal Ahmad Kamal (Rizal Chess Trading)  RM 200
        2. Norazlin Jaurih (Bad Bishop )  RM 100

    3. Kategori Wanita  (RM 500)
        1. Nurul Akilah Norhizan RM 200
        2. Nur Farhana Rahim   
        3. Aminah Nazri      

    4. Kategori Sekolah Rendah (RM750)
        Johan  Nithyalakshmi A/P Sivanes  RM 200
        Ke 2   Darrel Yap Egin
        Ke 3   Lim Min Kang
        Ke 4   Anis Fariha Saleh
        Ke 5   Zainoor Ikmal Md Noor
        Ke 6 Nurul Aina Akmar Rohizan
        Ke 7 Wong Zi Quan
        Ke 8  Lim Ming Xian
        Ke 9  Tin Jun Hao
        Ke 10 Ahmad Danial Aqil Salihin

    5. Kategori Wanita B12 (RM250)
        1.  Nithyalakshmi A/P Sivanes RM 100
        2.  Anis Fariha Saleh
        3.  Nurul ina Akmar Rohizan

    Mungkin dengan tempat yang selesa dan makan tengah hari di sediakan kejohanan saperti ini sepatut nya mendapat lebih banyak penyertaan tapi dengan kesuntukan masa yang di beri tapi Alhamdulillah ia mendapat sambutan juga.


    Catur Hari Wilayah DBKL 2010 telah diadakan di Stadium Titiwangsa, dengan keadaan selesa dan sejuk (ada air con) tapi agak bising apabila bergabung dengan pertandingan karom. Walau bagaimana pun kejohanan dapat di jalankan dengan sempurna.  Bila melibatkan orang OKU Cacat Penglihatan sepatut nya kita kena lebih perihatin dalam pengunaan pembesar suara sebab mereka amat sensitif kerana panca indra mereka amat tajam dengan pendengaran, ini yang diutarakan kepada penganjurKarom.

    1. Keputusan Kategori Berpasukan Cacat Penglihatan
         Johan   KL Knight     RM 1,500
                     1. Chuah Heng Meng
                     2. Ho Hea King
                     3. Ahmad Zaimi
         Naib Johan 1  Kampung Pandan  RM 900
                     1. Mustapa Salim
                     2. Iskandar Rashid
                     3. Akbar Ramin
    Najib tunjuk bakat dengan catur Braille
      Naib Johan 2   Rawang   RM 600
                     1. Najib
                     2. Zubir
                     3. Salihin Ahmad
        Naib Johan 3 1 Malaysia    RM 300
                     1. Hasidin Rashid
                     2. Khairulnizam Wahab
                     3. Abd Halim Abdullah

    2. Keputusan Kategori Berpasukan Cacat Penglihatan.
        Johan  Chomah        RM 1,500.
                       1. Choo Min Wang
                       2. Mahadir Abd Ghani
                       3. Ghazali Che Kob
        Naid Johan 1     Trio Din    RM 900
                       1. Shaharuddin Sidek
                       2. Saharuddin Mappa
                       3. Awaluddin Taiban
       Naib Johan 2   Sentul RM 600
                      1. Mat Idris Che Omar
                      2. Che Omar Ahmad
                      3. Ahmad Izzudin Rostam
       Naib Johan 3 Pantai Dalam   RM 600
                      1.  Amir Samsuddin
                      2. Rahim Mohd Noor
                      3. Norali Miswan
      Naib Johan 4  SBM KL-Selangor  RM 300
                      1. Ramalik Shah
                      2. Hj Abd Majid
                      3. M astura Abd Majid


    Saturday, March 20, 2010


    Its free entry for a Blitz entry open to all blitz chess players starting at 2.00 pm today Saturday 20 Mac 2010 while awaiting hall arrangements and registration for tomorrow Open Wilayah Persekutuan Chess Day for the 4 categories
    1. OKU Blind
    2. OKU Physical and rest
    3. Open for under 1600 with special for bloggers and Ladies
    4. Open Primary School with Ladies Special.

    But today open to all a Free Blitz with a prize fund set at RM 300

    It will be a fun Free Blitz for all chess players so do come and walk in before 2.00 pm.

    Winners being Chuah Heng Meng, Saharuddin Mappa, Ho Hea King as top three.

    Friday, March 19, 2010


    Have fun on the last day of school term holidays at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
     4 Saperate Categories
    1. OKU Blind Team (2 OKU + 1 Normal)
    2. OKU Physical Team (2 OKU + 1 Normal)
    3. Open ( Below 1600 Rating ) with Bloggers and Ladies Section  (Prize Fund = RM 2500)
    4. Primary School with Ladies Section ( Prize Fund = RM 1000)
    Date : Sunday, 21 March 2o10
    Time : 8.30am to 6.00pm
    Venue : Tasik Titiwangsa Closed Stadium, KL
    Format : 6 Swiss Rounds of G/25 (25 minute time control)
    Limited to the first 150 entries.

    Please call KL Braille at 03-4022 0046 for registration.

    Thursday, March 18, 2010


    Sifu have been asked how to deal with OKU's

    When you're around someone who has a disability, be relaxed and talk about mutual interests. It's okay to talk about the disability if it comes up, but don't pry. Some other helpful hints include:
    • Always address the person first, not the disability. For example, say "a person with a disability" instead of "a disabled person." Likewise, say "people who are blind" rather than "the blind," and avoid old-fashioned terms such as afflicted, crippled or lame.
    • Speak directly to someone who is hearing impaired, rather than to an assistant. Don't shout, but speak clearly and slowly and remember that facial expressions and gestures are important.
    • Be patient if the person needs extra time to do or say something.
    • If the person uses a wheelchair, sit down to talk so you're at the same level.
    • Listen carefully and patiently to a person with a speech impairment. Avoid speaking for the person, and try to ask questions that require short answers.
    • Don't touch a guide dog or a wheelchair or crutches used by the person unless you're asked to do so.
    • Offer help if asked or if the need seems obvious, but don't insist.
    Some Advice for Family and Friends
    Those who are close to someone with a disability may experience many of the same feelings their loved ones have: anger, frustration, fear, sorrow and even guilt.
    If you are part of the day-to-day life of a person who has a disability, your emotional as well as physical support can be an invaluable source of strength. Here are some ways to help:
    • Come together with other family members; don't let the situation divide you. While you may all react differently to a disability, the cooperation of everyone will make for a smoother transition.
    • Learn the facts about the person's disability. Knowing what to expect can help prepare you for future challenges.
    • Know how and when to help. Respect the person's feelings. Ask a person who uses a wheelchair if he or she would like assistance before you start pushing.
    • Foster self-esteem. Be positive and encourage independence, to the extent possible. Help your loved one look for new ways to achieve his or her goals.
    • Look for help. Find out about local support groups and community services that can help both the person with the disability and the caregiver.
    Millions of Americans have some type of disability, and many more — their families and friends — are also touched by the challenges of dealing with disability. While a disability may be a fact of life, it should not be the focus of a person's existence. The key to coping is knowing what resources are out there and finding the people, programs and organizations that can help you. Take control of your life now, and seek the help you need to live life to the fullest.


    Rizal the 2010 Champion
    Hairulov the 2009 Champion (right)

    But look at the collection of ladies in play at Putrajaya Community with the hand and the head thinking in deep concentration wow its women power.
    1. Whats next ? Pening kepala ,                                      2. If biting my finger will give the next move!