- No talking. Total silence. The recent world championship in Sofia won by Anand began with a silent request according to Sofia Rule. No handshakes and no draw request just no talking just write the request or result. Takes away the friendship motto of FIDE.
- No smoking, a good intension but meant no sponcership from this giant companies.
- No handphones: a good requirement to avoid noise from ringging phone and cheating.
- Ban on crowd as happened in last MSSM Chess tournament in Klang, so no spectator crowd and lost the excitement.
- Incommunicado: a total no contact between players and coach, imagine if discussion allowed with breaks like badminton, basketball, tennis hence a total result could happen even if allowed in 2 minutes request..
- Maybe an experiment to give public interest in chess should be considered !!!
- At a recent OKU championship, handling of clocks still happen so to implement a rule for a total non handling of chessclocks.
The Malaysian 45th Chess Olympiad Budapest Teams in ChessBase India Portal
45th Chess Olympiad 2024 Budapest
Surely as a chess enthusiast and former chess blogger, GiLocatur followed
the just concluded 45th Chess Olympiad which...
4 months ago