Monday, January 3, 2011

Install a dangerous Pawn in the Near of Opponent`s King!

Submitted by mauerblume on
Presumely you know it already but installing a pawn in the near of your opponent`s king can have "amazing" effects.
Please first look at my first example. The position came up in the game between strong female chessplayers (- it could naturally have happened also in a game between strong male players- )
It shows how dangerous a pawn installed in the near of opponent`s king can become

Black to move

So White had just played 1. Bxe5 and decided to remove the dangerous f3-pawn next move.   Actually it followed 1. ...fxe5 2. Qf3  and after some further move Black won the game.
 But, surprisingly both players overlooked  a simple win after 1. Bxe5??  Black could have mated in 2 with the help of the pawn f3. Do you see it?


In the next example the things are not so simple. With the help of the f6- pawn White could have started fireworks ... (all variations you can later find under solution)

White to move


In my last example Black is busy creating a dangerous pawn in the near of white king. He even sacrified a bishop for it...!

Beilin vs. Lipnitzky

How Black used that dangerous pawn for a winning attack you can see in my next blogpost.

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