September 21, 2010 By Leave a Comment
During his lobbying in Sarajevo, Kasparov tells of his plans for Karpov…
DNEVNI AVAZ (Bosnia’s Biggest Daily Newspaper) Reports:
“Former World Champions Ask for the Disqualification of Ilyumzhinov”
“Elections for the new president of FIDE will be held on the 29th of September in Khanty-Mansiysk, during the time of the Olympics. As shown by all polls, the current FIDE President, Kirsan will win, because he has 93 votes, and his rival, Karpov has the support of only 23 members of FIDE.
When this fact became clear, Karpov and his main ally Kasparov are now trying to use their last trump.
They took their case to the International Sports Court in Lausanne, where together with the Federations of USA, France, Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine, have applied for the disqualification of Ilyumzhinov from the presidential race, claiming that he illegally stated his candidacy.
Representatives of Ilyumzhinov did everything to delay the consideration of this request, but the Court in Lausanne decided to hear the case and announced that they would will decide about the request next week.
When this fact became clear, Karpov and his main ally Kasparov are now trying to use their last trump.
They took their case to the International Sports Court in Lausanne, where together with the Federations of USA, France, Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine, have applied for the disqualification of Ilyumzhinov from the presidential race, claiming that he illegally stated his candidacy.
Representatives of Ilyumzhinov did everything to delay the consideration of this request, but the Court in Lausanne decided to hear the case and announced that they would will decide about the request next week.
This is the only chance for Karpov and Kasparov, who during a stay and lobbying in Sarajevo said – that in case of victory he would be the actual president of FIDE, and Karpov will be his puppet.”
FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov Opens the 39th World Chess Olympiad!
September 20, 2010 By Leave a Comment
The Official Opening of the Olympiad took place on Monday, September 20th, 2010, in Khanty-Mansiysk.
“We have hosted 3 World Chess Cups and other important events.”, noted Ilyumzhinov in his message; “It is obvious that Khanty-Mansiysk deserves to host the most prominent chess event on the planet.”
As was evident from the Opening Ceremony for the Chess Olympiad, the FIDE President’s words lived up to his message with the wonderfully tremendous and spectacular show which may just be the most beautiful in history so far.
For two weeks the attention of millions of people will concentrate on Khanty-Mansiysk as it unites all of the world chess elite,” said FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
The 39th World Chess Olympiad will be a record-breaker as far as the number of participants is concerned. It will unite chess players from 160 countries from all around the world, 67 foreign and 66 Russian arbiters as well as 1000 officials and representatives of the Russian and foreign media.
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