Monday, May 10, 2010

Justice in Sprit of the Law

This was a moving story not given the exposure but one sifu like to share.
It is a story for every one of us to know our rights and actions to take in case it happen to us or our love ones.As this was a rape case, go straight to the police to have the DNA taken, do not wash or shower first but to get the culprit, get a friend or family member to accompany, make a report but get the DNA first.
If you are being ask to stop, please stop.  Afraid of the police ?! or afraid of being summon but value your life more than the RM.
For a man wrongly convicted of rape almost 30 years ago, Raymond Towler did not look anxious. Perhaps it was because a few more minutes in custody made little difference after so long. Perhaps it was because he had a reasonable idea of what Judge Eileen Gallagher was about to say.
In an extraordinary scene, barely noticed in America this week amid coverage of the enormous oil spill and the New York bomb plot, Mr Towler, a 52-year-old musician, walked free from a Cleveland court after spending more than half his life in prison for a crime of which he always maintained his innocence and which DNA analysis proved he did not commit.
His case is not unique, but the way it ended was uniquely moving. It may serve to galvanise a national movement of lawyers and activists who have used DNA evidence to free more than 250 inmates since 1992, almost all of them black men, but who have so far lacked the resources to tackle thousands of other cases in which experts’ fear of “junk science” and racial bias have produced unsafe convictions.
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face, may the rain fall softly upon your fields. May God hold you in the palm of his hand, now and forever.”
Imagine the 30 years one could plant a durian tree to see it bear fruit season again and again, a timber tree would mature, you could gradute and have a family but for Raymond, who would be a millionaire but the time lost could not be replace.  Time moves and change but man will be older and wiser....

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